Bar & Restaurant
Today most online visitors engage with bars and restaurants via mobile. We made sure our client wasn’t getting left out.
Our client, a sports bar and grill, needed a faster, more functional website to promote their business.
Campaign Planning
Today 90% of web traffic for bars and restaurants is through mobile devices. For most users, convenience and on-the-go access are key features in finding and frequenting businesses that sell food and drink.
Our client’s website was lagging when it came to attracting new business. The design was outmoded, featuring broad visuals and a clunky user interface. It took too long to load — as long as 10 seconds, well beyond the bounce rate of most users. It also didn’t fit visually on mobile devices, and failed to present the most pertinent services first.
We developed a new website that would work quickly in alignment with user priorities — viewing menu and visitation information. The new site put crucial business info upfront and lets pictures of the food do the selling.
This design approach was clean and functional. Still, we wanted to ensure that these benefits didn’t come at the expense of brand awareness. We implemented a pre-loader screen that put the brand front-and-center before advancing to the rest of the site.
It’s critical for any business to understand and optimize the path that users take to discover your brand. Sometimes presenting the correct information online isn’t enough; it’s how you give it.
Today most online visitors engage with bars and restaurants via mobile. We made sure our client wasn’t getting left out.